What is Tabnabbing and How to Hack Account Passwords using it?
Hi friends how are you? I hope all are fine and enjoying these summer days very much. Today i focus on a new topic which is known to be Tabnabbing- A New Type of Phishing Attack. Well Tabnabbing is a computer exploit and phishing attack, which persuades users to submit their login details and passwords to popular websites by impersonating those sites and convincing the user that the site is genuine. In other words, It basically refers to a website that is changing its look and feels to a fake website after some time of inactivity. It is about a page we’ve been looking at, but will change behind our backs, when we aren’t looking. These attacks are commonly target towards Online Banking websites.
PS: Before reading this TUT in more details, i personally recommend to read my previous article on Hack Orkut,Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo Accounts via Phishing Attacks to better understand the concept.
Tabnabbing- Video Tutorial:
How it Works:
This attacks works when a user opens multiple tabs.
- When User navigates to attacker normal looking page.
- When User switches to another tab, the attacker redirect their site to a phishing page.
- When User came back to attacker page, they’ll see the phishing page.(User assumed he open the site previously)
- User entered their login information and this login information is sent to your server and the phishing page is login successful, so the user don’t have any clue that their information was hacked.
How to Protect Against Tabnabbing:
Below are some quick and reliable steps to safeguard us from this type of attack.
- Install The NoScript extension for Mozilla Firefox which defends both from the JavaScript-based and from the scriptless attack, based on meta refresh, by preventing inactive tabs from changing the location of the page.
- Always Use Anti Phishing Mozilla Firefox Add-ons like Wot, Don’t Phish me, FirePhish etc.
- Make an habit to check the Address Bar always before login.
- Never open or click any hide link plus ignore pop ups message box.
That's it! Any Doubts and queries are Welcomed below.
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