Watch Full HD Videos at Youtube
Many of us are really found of videos and watch videos at youtube or at others. Ofcourse you prefer to watch good quality videos at youtube than those worse videos.I am gonna show you a small trick that will do all the wonders, and now you can always get good quality youtube videos after it.
Step1: Click to video that you want to see, the link will display on Address bar.Example:
Step2: Add &fmt=6 to the end of that string.That address like:
Optional Step: To get more quality youtube video…
.Add &fmt=18 to the end of that string, you’ll have the best quality video with direct download link !
Note: Appending &fmt=6 to the URL delivers a 448×336 resolution version of the video and appending &fmt=18 delivers a even better 480×360 resolution version.
Its that simple, now you have learned a secret of hacking Youtube for Good quality videos. Post your comments if you like the post.
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